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Home > aipd industry news > China’s ceramic tile companies rush to the tile and rock slab market

China’s ceramic tile companies rush to the tile and rock slab market

Since the beginning of this year, the development situation of ceramic tile and rock slab has been rapid, and it has become the hottest topic in the ceramic tile industry and has swept the entire home building materials industry. According to statistics, as of July 2020, more than 45 rock slab production lines have been built in China, and many ceramic companies have announced plans to build new rock slab production lines.

Since the beginning of 2020, China’s ceramic tile and rock slab production line has begun to show a “blowout” growth trend. Not only have old-brand ceramic tile and rock slab companies that have long been involved in rock slab production have increased, but many other companies have entered the game and invested heavily in building rock slab production lines. .

As early as the first quarter, ceramic companies such as NEWPEARL, Innoo, and Laideli all announced plans to build a new rock slab production line. Among them, New Pearl plans to build two rock slab production lines in June and August; Innoo invested 300 million yuan this year to introduce the continua+ rock slab production equipment from SACMI; Laideli and the top Italian equipment company Sac Mi reached a strategic cooperation and introduced a rock slab production line capable of producing 3900x1600mm specifications and so on. Entering the second quarter, 7 companies including NEWPEARL and Gold Medal announced that the stone slab production line was launched and put into production.

On June 30th, Mona Lisa held a rock board high-definition strategy conference. At the meeting, Mona Lisa Group Director Zhang Qikang revealed: “In the second half of 2020, we will invest 600 million yuan to build three ceramic slab/rock slab production lines in Xiqiao, and build three production lines a year. This is unprecedented for us. Investment.” On the same day, at the 2020 Tanzhou Ceramics Exhibition and the TOP Ceramics Enterprise Joint Press Conference, according to Xian Xianjian, Sales Director of Enoch’s Slab Business Unit, Enoch has four production lines for slabs, and two will be built next. Large-size slate board line.

In addition, companies such as Nobel, Hongyu, Dongpeng and Aesthetics have announced that they have overcome the problem of all-body rock slabs. Nobel invested hundreds of millions of yuan, more than 300 people in the project team, after more than 700 working days, successfully developed the latest full-body porcelain polished tiles. In addition to continuing to serve traditional channels, Dongpeng’s slate business unit is also expanding its business in the pan-furniture field, such as furniture, cabinet panels, countertops, and home appliances. Previously, Tan Yong, general manager of Dongpeng’s ceramic tile and slab division, revealed that for the first phase of Dongpeng’s goal is to spend 5-6 years to achieve 1 billion slabs, and to become a business sector that places equal emphasis on Dongpeng’s tile business.

Above the tuyere, where will the rock slab go in the future?

Some people in the industry predict that this year there will be 100 ceramic tile and rock slab production lines, and next year it is expected to reach 200 lines. Behind the “blow-out” growth of the rock slab production line, the problem of future capacity digestion is inevitably worrying. On the other hand, the homogeneity of products and price wars, as the number of entrants increases, various problems are exposed one by one. Above the tuyere, where will the rock slab go in the future?

Among them, cross-border entry into the field of custom furniture has become an important development direction for ceramic tiles and slabs. Because of its easy-to-cut and customizable properties, rock slabs have become popular in the home furnishing market. Nobel, Hongyu, Dongpeng and Weimei have solved the technical problems of full-body rock slab products and created full-body rock slab products that can meet the needs of home furnishing companies. In addition to technical breakthroughs, the problems encountered in all aspects of rock slabs from production to sales cannot be ignored, such as high production costs and transportation, which all need to be resolved urgently.

In the future, ceramic tile and rock slab products still have considerable market potential. In terms of high-end home decoration, rock slabs are likely to replace a large part of the high-end ceramics market. However, companies including Mona Lisa, New Pearl, etc. also suggest that each “entry” ceramic company needs to have a clear understanding of the positioning of rock slab sales, from product structure, product specifications to Terminal channels and market positioning need to be “positioned” clearly.

Source: Pan Home Circle